The family at the center of this case made its money investing
Continue Reading What’s it take to make sure a trustee/beneficiary settlement agreement’s binding?
The family at the center of this case made its money investing…
Continue Reading What’s it take to make sure a trustee/beneficiary settlement agreement’s binding?The “collaborative process” is an interesting dispute resolution alternative that’s been used…
Continue Reading Collaborative Process: Are Probate and Trust Disputes on the Horizon?
The Florida Supreme Court’s Mediator Ethics Advisory Committee (MEAC) has been…
Continue Reading 2017 . . . A probate mediator’s guide to 2017 Mediator Ethics Advisory Committee (MEAC) Opinions
MEAC Opinion 2016-004 (Date Issued: November 6, 2016)
The vast majority of…
Continue Reading MEAC: Can a mediator report the parties have reached “agreement” if the deal’s still being drafted?
Two points to keep in mind when thinking about the Allen case.
Continue Reading Are guardians ad litem (GALs) mandatory when settling a minor’s claims?
AAA’s rules for arbitrating wills and trusts specifically authorize arbitrators to decide the…
Continue Reading Can Florida arbitrators decide “validity” challenges to a will or trust?
Lawyers love to brag about their court wins, not so much about…
Continue Reading Can you sue hostile parties for fraud if they lie to you during settlement negotiations?I’m a big fan of “privatizing” trusts and estates litigation whenever possible,…
Continue Reading Interview with a Probate Lawyer: Steven K. Schwartz
The Florida Supreme Court’s Mediator Ethics Advisory Committee (MEAC) has been issuing…
Continue Reading 2014 . . . Florida Supreme Court’s Mediator Ethics Advisory Committee (MEAC) Opinions