A blog dedicated to probate litigation usually doesn’t go for laughs, but I couldn’t pass this one up from San Francisco blog Crooked Street Press:
Estate Attorney With Tourettes Learning to Adjust
San Francisco– Estate Planner George Henry came down with a severe case of tourette syndrome about 9 months ago strangely enough while he was in front of a judge in a court room. Henry says that the last nine months has been hard on himself and loved ones around him “especially the people that make me mad F&#@ SH** B*^%#!” Where it has been especially tough is on the job as an estate planner to families that have lost members of their family and Henry starts to blurt out rants of swear words. Many times the swearing goes on for several minutes especially around the time the fees for his service are debated by the grieving family.
“When he swore in my court room after I over ruled against him on an objection, I about threw the book at him.” Judge Thurgood Thompson said. “Then he told me that he had tourettes. But I had never heard him swear before. From that point forward until the end of the case he would put on a swearing clinic. In my gut…I think most of it was directed at me.”“Don’t get me started on F&#@ SH** B*^%# Judge Thurgood Thompson.” Henry said.
Henry and his family have been living with his condition for about 9 months now and his family has adjusted to this sudden problem. “I think the kids like it because it gives them new ideas.” Margaret Henry said. “Usually the episodes happen when I ask George to wash the dishes. He’ll rant for about twenty minutes or so but then he eventually does them.”
“I hope someday my F&#@ SH** B*^%# condition will subside.” Henry said. “But until then people had better leave me the F&#@ SH** B*^%# alone.”